New To: Slacks Holidays, Matlock
Chassis: DAF SB3000 XMGDE33WS0H004863
Body: VanHool Alizee 32826 C51FT
Delivered in May 1996 to Slacks Holidays of Matlock, N75FWU was new as part of a batch of stock vehicles. When manufacturers have a gap in the production schedules, they will often build a small batch of buses for stock. These are often bought up by operators that either only want one bus or operators that need buses quickly. This vehicle is a DAF SB3000 with a VanHool coach body fitted, seating a total of 51 passengers. The bus represents the typical 1990s coach. Slacks operated five VanHool Alizees, registered in a variety of years.
This particular vehicle is interesting because it is one of just a few VanHools with the Low Driving position, not the first around with this feature as the Plaxton Paramount of the same era also offered a low driver position variant. N75 was designed with passenger comfort in mind, it has reclining seats fitted throughout, air conditioning, a toilet and a drinks station .
N75 was based at Slacks depot in Matlock for all of its life, from where it would operate day excursions as well as many continental holidays. Towards the end of its life, N75 could be seen regularly on school services.
The DAF was bought by one of our members in May 2022 and has since received a well needed polish. A fuel tank has also been sourced and reconditioned, this will eventually replace the leaking offside fuel tank (these vehicles have dual fuel tanks, one on either side). N75 is currently in our storage compound awaiting some mechanical work that we are unable to do here at the museum. Once this work is completed, the coach will become our chariot for long distance events.
Relevance To The Collection
N75 represents a typical 1990s coach but it also allows us to display a wider range of fleets in our collection