755 MTV755P
New To: Nottingham City Transport
Chassis: Leyland Leopard PSU3C/4R 7505575
Body: Duple Dominant E DP53F 634/5174
Status: Awaiting Restoration
755 was delivered new to Nottingham City Transport in 1976. It was one of a batch of 24 similar buses. It has a Leyland Leopard Chassis with Duple Dominant E bodywork which seats 53 passengers. It is unusual because it is a coach body but it is fitted with bus seats and it has opening side windows. Upon withdrawal, 755 passed to Nottingham Polytechnic and it was converted to a mobile unit for the Women into Science and Engineering Project (WISE).
755 then passed to a group of people who further converted it to a mobile home and they used it to travel to and from the races at Le Mans for a couple of years. It was then parked up at Tollerton, where it was sadly vandalised with many windows being broken and panels being damaged.
755 was then acquired by Mick Stanton, who restored the vehicle back to a bus and repainted it into Nottingham City Transport livery. This vehicle was acquired by us Nottingham Heritage Vehicles Charity in 2016. An initial assessment revealed that it was ok mechanically but the body had suffered from extreme corrosion. 755 remains in our storage compound, waiting for a time where funds and time permit this vehicles restoration to begin.
Relevance To The Collection
755 is the last surviving Leyland Leopard with Duple Dominant E bodywork new to Nottingham City Transport.