Frequently Asked Questions
YES. We hold regular advertised FREE Open Doors days for you to engage with the charity. In addition we welcome visitors on Saturdays throughout the year so long as prior notification by phone is received. We may be available at other times – but please phone first before setting out. Contact via 07971105491.
YES. With a little notice we can accommodate such visits. If your group or society wish to visit then we may be able to arrange for our exhibition / sales unit to be opened up and maybe a vehicle or two made available for a short run – subject to a suitable terms.
YES. As with private and society visits these can be arranged subject to suitable terms.
YES. Our vehicles attend events ranging from as far afield as Scotland and Cornwall throughout the rally season. Occassionally these vehicles are assembled together at local events subject to driver availability.
Unfortunately NO. Unlike many groups and individual vehicle owners we will not make our vehicles available for such work as like them we do not have an operators license in place at present. Disregarding rules and regulations enforced by VOSA along with insurance implications mean this is not a practice we will entertain. Others will and frequently do – but that is up to them ! There are some exceptions – please read on.
YES. We are happy to provide a vehicle for use as a static exhibit, a backdrop for an event, fund raising activity or promotional launch. We also have an open top vehicle available to be used as a platform for events. Please enquire.
YES. Our vehicles can be hired for all forms of film and television work. Contracts will be drawn up and a deposit will be payable in advance of any agreed work following being let down by a film company previously. Please contact us with your enquiry
Quite unbelievably this has been asked three times this year. Simply NO – much in the same way as we would not expect to be able to borrow your car !
YES, Absolutely no problem. Raising awareness of our transport heritage is very important to us. We frequently visit local educational institutions, schools and even playgroups. Usually we request a small fee to cover our costs. Please contact us with your enquiry
With our costs alone exceeding £15,000 a year we do not even come anywhere near this figure when totaling our annual fundraising income. It would be nice if we did but the reality is a long way off. However every little bit helps.
NO. Transport Nostalgia is an independent company established under the UKbusphotos name as an online seller of photos and as a point of sale event seller back in April 2008, well before the Charity developed. Support through a donation of either product, required parts, tooling or consumables and indeed monies to the Charity has been greatly appreciated over past years. Transport Nostalgia for 2017 onwards have offered to take on the responsibility of the website and Facebook pages for the Charity. This allows trustees to concentrate on Charity work and from a trading perspective avoids all elements of risk for the Charity. It maybe that the Charity will develop its own merchandising range once funds permit.
YES. All assistance is appreciated. A donation button can be found on our ‘About Us’ page. Alternatively email us to discuss possible avenues to follow. Corporate sponsorship is also welcome.
If you do wish to donate and pay tax in the UK then please request a gift aid declaration form from us – allowing the charity to receive 25p in every pound from HMRC for every pound you donate to us.
YES. Period advertising spaces are available on some vehicles in our heritage fleet.
YES. Any items suitable to aid fund raising are welcomed.
An independent company, Transport Nostalgia whom donate an element of monies from their photography sales to the Charity are prepared to offer sensible figures to purchase collections as a whole. Alternatively they welcome the opportunity to borrow slide and negative collections for copying purposes. They can – if you wish, pay a small ‘thankyou’ fee for such a loan. As we are actively trying to add to our photograph archive as a Charity, we welcome all donations of relevant images in print, slide or digital form.
Buses very occasionally become available. Sometimes this may be as a result of restructuring of the collection or simply as we have been fortunate enough to receive a vehicle into the collection for free to resell to aid fund raising. One of our trustees has a massive selection of Bus parts which are also available privately on occasion if stock is in excess of our realistic requirements within the charity. Please email your enquiry and we can forward details on.
YES. We are always interested to hear about the availability of vehicles, particulalry those from operators local to us. If they would make an appropriate addition to the collection or indeed yield suitable spares for us to use then we may well be interested. Unused spares are also most appreciated.
YES. Means by which we can sustain the financial future of the collection are important to us. Being entirely volunteer based we rely heavily on public support to achieve our aims. Financial bequests and gifts of transport related items in your will are appreciated immensely. For further details please email us.
YES but unfortunately space at our Hucknall depot is very limited. We do have room for one or two visiting vehicles though – Please contact us. Through the ‘Events’ page you can download all the relevant information and required forms for off site events. Please note that all stall bookings must be paid for in advance of the event and suitable proof of public liability cover made available to facilitate your attendance.